Lab News

Welcome Mingyue Luo!

Mingyue joined the group on 20th, June, 2022. He will work together with Dr He to develop new and efficient genetic manipulation tools for anaerobic bacteria. We wish him good luck to make powerful tools!

Cell culture room is ready!

Our cell culture room is fully equipped and ready to take off! We will use cell line and organoids to study pathogenesis of bacteria.

Postdoc Project Proposal Presentation

On 25 May 2022, Dr Yuzhang He presented his project proposal. We invited experts from Shenzhen University and Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology, Chinese Academy of Science. We appreciate the insightful discussions and valuable suggestions from the committee, and believe that will promote the project! Congrates, Dr He! We wish you enjoy the project and do great science!

A brand-new laboratory!

Great news at the beginning of Year Tiger 2022! We moved into our laboratory, with big space, great view, and is fully equipped! We are expecting a fruitful and exciting year!

CRISPRi-seq in Nature Protocol!

Vincent and Xue’s paper titled CRISPRi-seq for genome-wide fitness
quantification in bacteria is published in Nature Protocol! Congrats!!!

Welcome Yuzhang!

Dr He joined the group as a postdoc since 2nd of January! We hope he will enjoy the life and research at Shenzhen University.

Forums attending

Xue Liu and Wan Li attended the “International Engineering Technology Top-level Forum on AMR Development and Stewardship & 1st Youth Academic Forum”.